2023年04月23日 15:56 14 次
英雄体育VSPN 公司介绍
About VSPN
英雄体育管理有限公司成立于2016年,发展至今,业务覆盖亚洲,欧洲,美洲,制作播出共计13000场顶级赛事,与国内70%以上顶级电竞运动赛事深度合作,影响全球20亿电竞玩家用户。围绕电竞年轻人的生活方式和场景,为全球电竞运动爱好者带来从线上到线下的全方位顶级体验,为用户、品牌、行业、城市,创造极致、前端、丰富多维的电竞生态,向全球输出中国电竞标准和文化。依托先进的科技,我司有幸参与2018年雅加达亚运会电子竞技项目中,负责全部的搭建转播工作。作为陕西的企业,在亚洲最大的电子竞技综合大赛(覆盖亚洲23个国家和地区),以目前行业最高水平,树立亚运会电竞赛事标准,帮助电子竞技在国际体育舞台上迈出一大步,展示电子竞技独特魅力,凸显陕西本土化企业的实力。Established in 2016,Versus Programming Network has developed to date, covering Asia, Europe and America, producing and broadcasting a total of 13,000 top-level events, cooperating deeply with more than 70% of the top e-sports events in China and affecting 2 billion e-sports players worldwide. Focusing on the lifestyle and scenes of e-sports young people, it brings global e-sports fans an all-round top-level experience from online to offline, creates an extreme, front-end and multi-dimensional e-sports ecology for users, brands, industries and cities, and exports Chinese e-sports standards and culture to the world. Relying on advanced technology, our company was fortunate to participate in the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games e-sports event, responsible for all the construction and broadcasting work. As shaanxi enterprises, Asia's largest electronic competitive comprehensive competition of 23 countries and regions in Asia (cover), the highest level at the current industry, establish the standard of the Asian games tournament, help esports taken a big step in the international sports arena, displaying unique charm, e-sports highlights the strength of the local enterprise in shaanxi province.